Today I had the great honor of having a couple of rounds of Cossacks developers – with Sergei Grygorovych (producer), Andrew Shpagin (lead programmer) and Sergei Ivantsov (tool programmer)! Here’s a screenshot, please look at the points, hehe …. I actually grabbed a farmer from one of the GSC people, lol. But that was the only game in which I scored points was in front, after that I was pounded mercilessly into the ground …

Stefan Hertrich: Bavaria, Hungary, Switzerland, Toskana and Däenmark will be the new nations in the add-on. Will there be more nations?
Andrew Shpagin: No, this will be the five nations of the add-on..
Stefan Hertrich: Will there be bigger maps?
Sergei Ivantsov: Perhaps…
Stefan Hertrich: I live in Bavaria and I would like to know more about this nation in Cossacks…
Andrew Shpagin: The main producer and the designer currently think about the units. The style of Bavaria´s buildings will be more country-like.
Stefan Hertrich: Will you improve the landscape-design?
Andrew Shpagin: Yes, we think about it. We´ll include rivers.
Stefan Hertrich: I´ve heard that there will be new ships….
Andrew Shpagin: Yes, a German patrol boat, cutter, Ukrainian chaika, Venezian galley and perhaps a submarine!
Stefan Hertrich: Will there be a possibility to destroy the montgolfier?
Sergei Ivantsov: At the moment we don´t think it´s necessary.
Stefan Hertrich: Will there also be new units for the “old” nations?
Andrew Shpagin: Every new civ will have unique units. I don´t know what we will do for the current nations.
Stefan Hertrich: Many German fans are disappointed that Prussia has no unique unit…
Andrew Shpagin: Thanks, we will tell the producer and think about it.
Stefan Hertrich: How does Cossacks sell in Ukraine?
Sergei Ivantsov: Very well! Also in Russia.
Stefan Hertrich: What are Your favourite civs at the moment?
Sergei Ivantsov: Ukraine
Andrew Shpagin: Russia und Algeria
Stefan Hertrich: Which nations are the strongest?
Andrew Shpagin: Russia, Ukraine and Algeria. But you are able to win with every nation!
Stefan Hertrich: How old are you guys?
Andrew Shpagin: Well, I´m 25
Sergei Ivantsov: 22
Stefan Hertrich: Please tell us your future plans.
Sergei Ivantsov: First we´ll work hard on the add-on, after that we´ll think about another game on the Cossacks engine, perhaps in the Napoleonic times or in the times of ancient Rome.
Originally posted: Cossacks.4players.de (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 19.12.2000
Author: Stefan Hertrich
Language of publish: english