The Season Clash 4 has ended, marking the tournament due at the end of the official ranked season. For the first time in the history of the game’s event, this time the general public could see team-based struggles instead of individual struggles, which was already a blood refresh.
What did bring the team-based fight?
In this ranked season the players firstly had a mixed view of the developers’ idea, then they slowly got used to the new idea. It means double attention to the players, so if the partner messes up something, it can be fatal. From the spectators ’point of view, this tournament was completely tossed up by the team-based fight. On the maps, instead of two, there is a fight between four players, which means that you can see twice as many armies, fights and tactical give-and-take. Let’s face it, and it’s more exciting that way, there’s always something going on on the screen, provided the commentators handle the camera well.
At the level of Season Clash 4 organization, it was by far the best. The fights started on time, their course was smooth, thanks to the fact that they counted players who jumped in from the “headquarters of spare” (many were unavailable at the time of the tournament, so the team member above was not ashamed), only small negatives could be encountered.
The official language of this Season Clash is English, however, teams were still allowed to communicate in non-English languages, which was also reflected in the team names.
Returning to the team names, unfortunately, in the official news of the Season Closers, and even during the live broadcast, it was difficult or impossible at all to know which two teams were playing with each other as the names of the players were highlighted.
The Season Clash 4, which will take place between May 14th and 20th, was the best so far, and hopefully they will be able to maintain this level for the fifth time. Furthermore, we hope that the smaller negatives will be eliminated next time.
There is a summary of the Season Clash 4, which you can read here.