Season 1 duration: 17.03.2017 – 06.06.2017
New in this season:
- The ranked game mode has been started, which can be accessed with a separate setting and the new Quick Play feature.
- Appeared the leaderboard, players received points for victory.
- All modes have been disabled for ranked gameplay.
- The end of the season was followed by a Season Clash, where the best players could compete in a tournament.
Starting options:
- Resources: 5000
- Peace time: 10 minutes
- Map type: Land
- Nations: random
- Teams: team vs. team, 3vs3, 2vs2, 1vs1
TOP 100 players:
- [GFF]Petru_BwM
- nazariy81
- Ezel-07
- [1S]SecretPlayer
- [-1Nt-]_VRV
- Lukasz
- sunx
- [-NF-]Baton
- Fulkrum
- shawinmihail
- [-RA-]SAnek_PCT
- USA-)
- Artempro123
- [LEGION]_RomaK
- Artur
- MadScientist
- Delta
- Misu
- pr535
- Slivka
- ProTema
- inMay
- Hruska
- shevastalker
- Current_User
- Leibstandart
- OCcoswar
- bocharov
- bolt
- Dmitriy
- [1S]LeXuS
- Spektrum
- Shutovyan
- Krev
- ATG_
- Echoes
- Andrei.XV
- Ukrop
- [LEGION]_Wol_
- Vaticano
- shurf
- [U309]rabbit
- Antik
- Ros7090
- Saint_Jacque
- laoba
- dach84
- Mindaugas
- vojkan
- Joker
- Maleculo
- sharp24
- Qwanc
- [Lviv]ROlcoM
- Anastasio_Somosa
- CiastkowyPotwor
- xWeedxEveryday
- vozdyx
- CaptainMarlboro
- LiptonVpaketike
- kolya_balanar
- Scarecrow
- Regokner
- BartSimpson
- Moto392
- sprut
- colourfit
- PaskalTima
- Zantonin
- dfjo
- Mp_McTuTeJlb
- dartagnack
- GoldenBoy
- vs_shell
- rusty_rain
- Uluru
- frank8219
- tutupitu
- VILen
- rueast
- [U309]Andrei
- romik
- [LoD]Haegar_d_S
- [USSR]Kutuzov
- Sirius
- kojot
- Patriiot
- Evreu125rus
- 19ivan92
- lokomotor
- Kachecka
- [MDR]DArtagnan
In the multiplayers shell developers highlighted the three ladder leaders, since achieveng a victory on such a long distance is an admirable feat:
place – [GFF]Petru_BwM
place – HYPPS
place – nazariy81
The winners of the First official tournament would also receive special badges:
place – [-RA-]SAnek_PCT
place – [GFF]Petru_BwM
place – [1S]SecretPlayer