American Conquest offers plenty of single-player campaigns, plus skirmish and multiplayer maps and a good history lesson to boot, and it makes a great addition to any real-time strategy enthusiast’s collection.
You may be familiar with the Cossacks games from developer GSC Gameworld–they’re real-time strategy games reminiscent of the Age of Empires series but set in 17th- and 18th-century Europe, featuring large battles with thousands of individual soldiers. Take a glance at American Conquest, and you may think that it’s just the same as Cossacks, since it uses a similar game engine. Yet though American Conquest does emphasize large-scale strategic combat and formations like Cossacks does, the new game takes place in the New World, and it also features numerous gameplay improvements and general enhancements that make the game much more enjoyable to play than Cossacks. It’s also a great real-time strategy game in its own right…