Creators of Cossacks: European Wars, Kiev-based development studio GSC Game World, are working on another historical RTS for all the fans of strategy genre. This time you`ll conquer the New World itself – from the conflicts between native Americans and European conquerors to the famous battles of the War for Independence.
Doupě: In what basic features will American Conquest differ from other games of this genre?
Oleg V. Javorsky: 16 000 in battle, 14 different nations – Great Britain, France, Spain, the USA, the Netherlands, Portugals, Aztecs, Incas, Maya, Pueblos, Delawares, Hurons, Sioux, Iroquians with their own unique units and architecture, highly detailed unit animations, powerful engine, strong historical component of the game and more should make this game stand out.
Doupě: Your game includes period from the discovery of the New World to the birth of the USA. Are the misions going to be historically accurate, based on real events?
O.J.: Naturally, this is what we are up to – make a game as historically accurate as possible. We’ll be paying a greater attention to history than in Cossacks, so that players could learn even more from the game. We’ll go all the way from Columbus’s landing on American continent and up to forming of the USA – that’s about 300 years of history. Still, we are not up to making an American history textbook, it’s a game and some historical facts may be omitted for the sake of gaming component.
Doupě: What materials will player have to collect?
O.J.: The set of resources will be somewhat similar to that in Cossacks, but will have its own peculiarities. Firstly, the game nations will represent two major camps, so to speak: European nations forming the one camp and Native Americans shaping the other one. Evidently these two will have a bit different set of resources. Moreover, each of the branches will have their own deviations.
Doupě: Will there be slaves?
O.J.: No slaves are planned. We are likely to have working civilians, rather than slaves in American Conquest.
Doupě: What kinds of buildings and units will it be possible to build?
O.J.: With American Conquest we shifted a bit from the Cossacks-style building principle, where you need to build up your encampment around, occupying a vast space of territory. Here you will have one major building – a fortress or a fort and several small auxiliary premises nearby. That is in fort or fortress that the major important military and scientific buildings are erected, units are trained and upgrades are carried out. The new system introduces not only visual difference, but also serves to change game tactics and strategy – from street fighting to fortress seige and defence. Another difference is that units now will be able to enter any building and defend it. Each of the nations has its unique architectural style.
Among civilians you will have peasants, clergymen by European and shamans by Indian nations. Military units are represented bby all kinds of troops – infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy. Virtually all units in every nation are unique.
Doupě: What are the differences between particular civilizations? Do they have their advantages and disadvantages, special units or buildings?
O.J.: Each of the nations will have their own unique architecture and unique units, its own game advantages and flaws. Here you will find both visual and gaming difference more striking than in Cossacks. Now it is not only that each nation has its unique style of architecture, but also the armed forces include nearly all units unique. There are differences in economic and scientific systems, as in European, so as in Native American nations. For example, despite Europeans had a similar structure of armed forces, with pikemen, musketeers and cavalry forming their base, we made units for each nation unique. Their uniform corresponds to that worn by soldiers of that country – now you will easily distinguish of Spanish and English musketeer, for instance, and use their peculiarities in different game situations.
But the biggest difference will be felt between European and Indian nations, for these are two absolutely different cultures – old and new world. If much of Europeans is recognizable and known – architecture, set of troops and technological achievements, the game for Indian nations will bring in much of a new experience. Native American nations will have different economic systems with different set of resources, different set of troops, as well as unique upgrade systems. For instance, Delawares, Hurons, Sioux and Iroquians procure wood, stone, food, furs and have two other resources – metal and gunpowder, which can be purchased only from a European nation, while Pueblos have only three resources – wood, stone and food. Unlike European priest, who can only heal warriors and attract neutral Indian tribes, Sioux shaman can fight, heal, increase warrior strength for a certain time, increase crops, morale and reveal a fog-of-war-hidden area.
In fact the differences are two numerous to squeeze them into one interview. I’d like it is going to be interesting to play for every nation.
Doupě: I’ve read that battles can take in more than 16000 units. But what about the hardware requirements?
O.J.: Yes, the unit limit is high enough to enable staging historical battles in their real scope. To play the game with 2-3 different nations participating under a good speed a computer of P3-500 and 128 Mb RAM would be just enough. To play under maximal settings and number of nations at a good speed you will need P3-800 and 256 Mb RAM.
Doupě: How many missions/scenarios are there in American Conquest?
O.J.: There will be 12 single missions, 6 historical battles, such as Battle of Lexington, Battle of Concord, Battle of Saratoga and more, as well as 4х campaigns as follows:
1. Pizarro’s expedition against Incas
Campaign is dedicated to the Spanish conquest of one of the biggest empires of the South America, the Inca state.
2. Wars of Tecumseh
The campaign is dedicated to uprising of the Native Americans under command of Tecumseh, his struggle against European colonization of America, attempt to unify all tribes and create Indian confederation.
3. Seven Years’ War
Campaign is dedicated to colonial struggles between Great Britain and France. Players may opt to play either for England or France.
4. War of Independence
The campaign is dedicated to creation of the new state of the USA and its struggle for independence.
Missions are going to be more dynamic, than in Cossacks, with a more thoroughly worked story line. Among the innovations experience for troops, possibility to transport troops from mission to mission could be stressed. Despite the rigid structure of buildings, part of the data in each mission will be generated randomly, be it location of neutral or hostile tribes, or treasure-bearing caves. This will increase replayability making it interesting to play the same mission for several times. Also, you’ll be able to play each of the campaigns for both one and another party.
Doupě: Are you planning any other games based on the improved Cossacks: European Wars engine?
O.J.: Nothing of what we can disclose now :).
Originally posted: doupe.cz (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 08.02.2002
Author: Jan Horčík
Language of publish: english