Cossacks – Napoleonic Wars returns one of the most successful strategy games of the past years to the real-time battlefield – with reinforcements: Meet Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and probably the most ingenious strategist in European history! Enter the battle on the side of one of 10 great European nations and rewrite European history in six exciting campaigns.
I have recently discovered a newfound interest in the Napoleonic Era of warfare and to my surprise, it seems I am not the only one. CDV, the kind people who have brought you Sudden Strike and the critically acclaimed Cossacks: The Art of War, are now hard at work on finishing the sequel to Cossacks. This time around, you get to march into the era of muskets and sabers between the turbulent years of 1802 to 1820. Based on what I have experienced, CDV is on its way to yet another technically marvelous wargame that will enthrall click-addicted-twitch-gamers and grognards alike (grognard, the gaming term for an old fashioned strategy/wargamer actually comes from the Napoleonic Era when younger French soldiers called the grizzled veterans “grognard,” which equates loosely to “grumpy”)…