Awar broke the silence and shared some information about the mods he has been working. State vs Country and Rise of America will be updated soon, and with quite a bit of content:
[1]Additional delays added to the scripts for the mod and AI to optimise the game.
[2]Added mounted officer and trumpeter for mid 18th century for Austria, Bavaria, Prussia, Russia and Saxony.

[3]Adjusted cuirassier models and textures for mid 18th century for Austria, Bavaria, Prussia, Russia and Saxony.
[4]For Algeria and Turkey a mounted officer and drummer for the 18th century have been added. Algeria added a Mameluk for the 18th century.
[5] Added upgrades for the release of units in the command center.
Create light infantry. (available from mid-18th century)
Create select infantry. Grenadiers. (available from 18th century).
Create heavy cavalry. (available from 17th century)
Create light cavalry. Hussars. (available from mid-18th century)
Create guards infantry. (available from 18th century).
Example for Russia.
Release units if no upgrades are made in the Command Centre.
For point 5, the AI release and upgrade scripts still need to be corrected.
Plus you need to check for errors in the scripts after all the changes.
Originally posted: official Cossacks 3 forum (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 04.11.2022
Published by: Awar
Language of publish: russian