Dear friends!
Today we will start the selections of Season Clash participants and in the end of June the battle among the best Cossacks players would begin. We will provide further details on tournament on Friday. Meet the last pre-tournament balance patch, which includes reworked economics and market trades. Balance has been changed too. You may find further details on these changes below:
Cossacks 3 version: v1.
- Increased food harvesting speed by 15% (1 field holds more concurrently working peasants now).
- Mine upgrades cost has been decreased.
- Academy food upgrades costs have been decreased.
- Resource prices regenerate (restore to their former values) much faster now.
- Stone and wood prices has been increased. Wood is more valuable than stone now.
New features:
- Random and multiplayer games options now include fixed speed options.
- Random and multiplayer games options now include population limit options.
- Critical hit mechanics has been reworked. Now, critical chance concludes 4%. Critical hit adds random damage (from 0 to 400). Units with high health would die less frequently, than infantry.
- Now, you can form squads starting from 15 soldiers.
Palisade (wooden wall):
- Protection increased from 15 to 95. Now it can hold some time against archers, but grenades are still highly effective.
- Ships construction speed upgrade increases construction speed in 5 times instead of 10.
- Ships are constructed twice as fast now.
- Ships construction prices are lowered.
- Fixed wood resource gathering on desert maps.
- Improved game`s performance for large quantities of heavy sipahis on screen.
- Fixed achievements: Frantic struggle, Uneven chances, Surrounded at all sides.
- Fixed Stand Ground error for shooters. When you commanded to move&attack to point, shooters often didn`t attacked enemies. And, when they reached destination point, they weren`t attacking units located too far, when they had enemy units nearby. Now, when shooter has Stand Ground order he looks for target he`s able to attack.
- Fixed an error, which caused incorrect display of buildings hit points on client PCs. There were mines, which were looking damaged, and players were unable to order peasants to repair this mine or get inside. Shipyards, standing still with 0 hp, while not exploding were fixed too.
- XVIII century upgrade cost decreased.
- Balloon upgrade cost increased from 1750 gold to 5750 gold, to compensate lower 18th century upgrade cost.
- Bayonet upgrades (academy ones) costs have been decreased.
- Changed firepower upgrades in Academy. All of them are granting +15% bonus now. Costs changed from 6000, 7000, 12000, 21000 gold to 5000 iron, 4000 gold, 7000 gold, 11000 coal
- Added both cuirass upgrades for Turkey (effects heavy sipahi)
- Stables, 18th century barracks, artillery depot costs decreased.
- Artillery depot requires academy now (stables aren`t required anymore).
- Construction time for stone and wooden walls has been lowered (33% approximately)
- 18th century barracks construction time decreased by 20%
- Cannon`s reload time for cannister shot and cannonball shot is the same now.
Units balance:
- Light infantry damage increased from 14 to 15
- Roundshier damage decreased from 8 to 6.
- Roundshier price increased from 8 gold to 12.
- Roundshier protection changed from (pike 4, sword 5, arrow 17) to (pike 5, sword 3, arrow 19).
- Archer damage increased from 20 to 25.
- Grenadier grenade attack range decreased from 500 to 370.
- Grenadier`s health increased from 25 to 30
- Dragoon’s damage decreased from 20 to 16.
- Dragoon’s reload time decreased by 15%.
- Dragoon’s minimal shooting range increased from 300 to 350
- Dragoon’s maximal shooting range decreased from 850 to 800
- Dragoon’s shot cost in iron increased from 4 to 5.
Register cossack – Ukraine:
- Damage decreased from 13 to 12.
Hetman – Ukraine:
- Damage decreased from 75 to 70.
- Decreased hetman attack upgrade value from 50 to 30.
- Training time increased from 13.5s to 17.5s
Heavy sipahi – Turkey:
- Pike protection decreased from 3 to 2.
Peasant – Algeria, Turkey:
- Food consumption decreased by 10%.
Light Infantry – Algeria, Turkey:
- Damage with all upgrades increased by 2.
17c musketeer:
- Protection upgrades costs decreased.
- Protection upgrades costs decreased.
17c dragoon:
- Protection upgrades costs decreased.
18c cavalry:
- – Protection upgrades costs decreased.
17c shooters:
- Almost all 17th century shooters (except serdiuk and portuguese volunteer) are trained 0.5-1 second faster now.
Mounted shooters:
- Almost all mounted shooters are trained faster.
18c shooters without bayonets:
- Protection upgrades costs decreased.
We thank Mark Kandaurov for this awesome pic!
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 14.06.2017
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english