News from Cossacks 3 Facebook page:
We’ve fixed the most annoying multiplayer bugs and critical issues like display interaction troubles and aggressive third party applications affects. There are still known multiplayer issues left and planned to be resolved in the nearest patch.
- Added support for Hi-Res displays with use of DPI/Scale over 100%, now game properly detects each display DPI and changes its view depending on user display settings.
- Fixed alt+tab issues, when game window behaviour not as player expected.
- Added proper mouse clamping to window borders. It is turned on when player starts match and turns off in menus or while loading.
- Now switching between display modes work as expected: full screen, windowed, windowed full screen.
- Game start should now work properly, without disconnects, “peasant death” and defeat/victory messages.
- Multiplayer match can now proceed after room master defeat (but until he stays in the game, this issue solving is still in progress).
- Players now properly receive win/lose messages corresponding with real situation (but still, until room master stays in the game).
- Removed mislead “disconnect” message while playing was proper. It was shown in some cases at game start, at game end, and when room master left the game.
- Players now can choose the server to which they want to connect. Added combo box in multiplayer login menu. There are currently 2 servers, and it was sometime confusing when you and your friends join different servers and weren’t able to find each other’s room.
- Players now properly “surrender” on game exit or Alt+F4 shortcut.
- Defeated enemies are now shown with grey text colour near mini-map.
- Fixed bug when player created room just after multiplayer match and its starting settings wasn’t normal.
- Fixed bug when player was able to transfer “cheats mode” from single player game to multiplayer.
- Fixed bug when player joined room and it was displayed as wrong room or players previous room.
- Improved overall multiplayer game stability.
- Game properly restores interface and unit selection after window resize and resolution change.
- Mouse clamping to window borders now works properly.
- Added “Rapture” application in warning list on game start, with notice to close this app while playing game due to high influence on game stability and performance.
- Game version in Main Menu now include more detailed build version and list of owned by player DLCs.
- Large fixes for Ukrainian localization (we are still working on them).
Priority tasks for the nearest patches:
- Possibility to scroll map while selecting units with frame.
- Proper game continuation after room master leaves the game.
- Window that shows players progress loading at multiplayer start, sometime shows incorrect information.
- Work on multiplayer games stability
- Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Portugal language support. They are at testing stage and will soon be added. Please be patient.
- Game rating and stats in multiplayer game.
- End game statistics after single player and multiplayer matches on random map
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 26.09.2016
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english