Dear friends!
We have 3 exciting announcements to make today:
- This Friday we shall start our first ever developer Stream on our official Twitch and Youtube channels. Evgeniy Grygorovych, the lead developer of Cossacks 3 and a key person behind various famous GSC titles, will answer your questions, talk about changes in the upcoming patch and how he sees the future of the game. Check out our official Twitch and Youtube channels: www.twitch.tv/events/1977 and www.youtube.com/user/cossacks3game
- On Friday we are going to publish a grand new patch that shall bring a lot changes to the game: from balancing the most critical aspects (including 17c officers) of the gameplay to new additional features to the ranked mode.
- Due to some technical issues with porting, we will launch an open beta of Cossacks 3 on additional platforms on Friday, March 31. We are sorry for any inconveniences.

Have a nice day
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 29.03.2017
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english