News from Cossacks 3 Facebook page:
Dear friends!
We would like to remind you that tomorrow, at 1:00 PM UTC starts the Cossacks 3 tournament! Our dear friend SergiuHellDragoon will be hosting it on his Twitch channel: LINK
Sergiu is also doing a giveaway on his site to celebrate the occasion, so try your luck if you still didn’t get the game: http://sergiuhelldragoon.com/giveaways/cossacks-3-sergiuhelldragoonhqs-giveaway
If you already have the game and doing your last preparations for the tournament, you can always enjoy this epic video by Sergiu.
Have a nice day!
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 04.11.2016
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english