News from Cossacks 3 Facebook page:
Dear friends!
Today we are doing something new and exciting! We are starting a new rubric on our social media pages – “Chronicles of Cossacks”. Each Monday and Wednesday we are going to publish some interesting videos, facts and notes about Cossacks 3. It won’t stop us from providing a non-stop avalanche of updates, patches and fixes on a weekly basis, though!
We’re going to start our new rubric with an amazing video from our old-time friend – SergiuHellDragoon. In his video guide below Sergiu explains basics of playing Cossacks 3 for beginners, gives some tips and tricks on how to turn the tide of battle in your favor and what will help you see the victory screen at the of the match.
Don’t hesitate to share your own videos with both interesting strategies/tactics, tips for beginners and some hilarious moments from the battlefields of 17-18th century Europe. Send them to us here or at support@cossacks3.com, we’ll be glad to publish them in the future releases of Chronicles!
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 14.11.2016
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english