Short text coverage from Cossacks.com:
The editors of the French site “Overgame” were able to experience an extraordinary press event for “Cossacks: European Wars” in Paris at the Musee des Invalides [exactly: Musée de l’Armée at Les Invalides – editor]. The consequences: the editors are thrilled.
“Cossacks invites gamers to train their strategy talents in a completely new context for a video game, namely the European wars of the 17th and 18th centuries.”
The French game editors showed particular enthusiasm for the historical authenticity of the delicacy from Karlsruhe.
“The choice of the era and the efforts of the developers to do justice to the historical context as much as possible give Cossacks an authentic, very rich and extremely interesting background.”
Again, it can be said that the excellent work of the Cossacks developers has made this real-time strategy game a prime example of the genre.
Here are the full preview from Overgame:

All images from preview. Unfortunately, I was unable to archive the first few images in a larger format.
Sergy Grygorovych should have presented us Cossacks at the Musée de l’Armée in Paris. Unfortunately, Sergy Grygorovych, head of development at CSG, got stuck in Prague after French customs did not grant him permission to enter the country. It was therefore Martin Lohlein, from the German company CDV, publisher of the game, who was ripped from his bed before dawn so that he came to present Cossacks to us. Development director at CDV, project manager on Cossacks, he was the best placed for that. It’s hard sometimes to be a project manager.
European wars
Cossacks offers to exercise his talents as a strategist in a hitherto unprecedented context in a video game, since these are the wars that ravaged Europe from the 17th-18th century. An era which will immediately evoke to the strong in history the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), the War of the Sling (1649-1652), or the Ukrainian Revolution (1648-1657)… Others who slept during the lessons will be able However, make up for it by playing, the developers of Cossacks having paid particular attention to the historical aspect of the game, going so far as to enlist the services of historians to better respect reality. The reconstructions of historical battles are thus introduced by a small text which will place them in their context, the tunics of the units are faithfully reproduced, and the different buildings respect the architecture of each nation’s era. Martin Lohlein concedes all the same that the developers had to modify the balance of forces in the reconstructions of certain battles which were too unbalanced.
Strategy and management
It is in all the history of sixteen nations that the player will be able to revisit, among which France, England, Algeria, Portugal, Spain, Russia or Ukraine, through reconstructions of battles historical. The player may, however, also participate in battles on randomly generated battlefields. In this case, a “management” component is added to the game. The player will then have to collect six resources (food, wood, stone, gold, iron and coal) to build various buildings (barracks, warehouses, churches, academies, etc.) in order to develop his nation and strengthen his power.
Each nation indeed develops according to its own technological tree, even if the trunk remains common. All nations will be able to discover the corn plantation, but only France will be able to produce the famous musketeers, or the dragons, terrible arquebusiers mounted on horseback. Cossacks offers a total of nearly 300 innovations, all justified by historical facts.
8000 units at the same time
Cossacks allows control of battles that can involve up to nearly 8,000 infantry, cavalry, artillery, and maritime units simultaneously. To manage all this little world, the player will have to use the formations that will group the units into a regiment that is led as one man. The training of these regiments can only be done with the assistance of an officer and a drummer, as was the case at the time.
The choice of the time and the developers’ concern to respect historical reality as best as possible gives Cossacks an original, very rich and very interesting context. The realization being also of quality, it remains to be seen if the developers will manage to balance correctly the units of sixteen nations.
Cossacks is announced for early April on PC.
Originally posted: Cossacks.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED) and Overgame.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 30.01.2001
Author: unknown and Seb
Language of publish: english and french