After the sell-out of Cossacks: European Wars the RTS mega seller the week before, on the 16th of April 2001 it was to be found on the top spot of French sales charts by Micromania, one of the biggest retail chains in France. The charts comprise sales numbers of over 200 stores and thus depict the reality: France loves Cossacks.
“We are impatiently waiting for the GFK charts, the official French sales charts. It is definitively going to be a hard battle between Cossacks: European Wars and Black and White.
Honestly, after the start of Cossacks in France, we expect Cossacks to win this battle and to take the top spot, as it already did in the Micromenia charts.”, Cedric Lagarrigue, Managing Director of Focus Marketing, explains.
The RTS-mega-seller is not only conquering France, but remained on the third position in the same week in the ELSPA charts in England, where the enthusiasm for CDV´ s new blockbuster resounds in the press. But the French game press dös not stand back in praising the RTS-top game:
“Cossacks is such a high-quality RTS-game that it kicks Age of Empires II back into the Middle Ages.”
This enthusiastic comment is the introduction to an even more enthusiastic review from French gamer site www.gamespot.fr.
“The German publisher CDV has an outstanding intuition to find the pearls of the young developing scene from Eastern Europe (…) The Interface is just unequalled (…).”
Gamespot rated the “surprise of the year in the field of RTS” with an excellent 9 out of 10 and a highly enthusiastic article.
Originally posted: Cossacks.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 26.04.2001
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english