“Industrial spying has become a serious problem. Karlsruhe-based CDV Software had to experience this as well. Therefore, in order to regain control over this business threatening problem, CDV decided to use the help of spies…
CDV closed a deal with GameSpy Industries to be able to use the GameSpy client for multiplayer games to protect several new games.
The comfortable client makes online chatting and multiplayer gaming significantly easier.
The gamers are impatiently waiting for patches for Sudden Strike and Cossacks, which currently are in production und are to be released within the next few days.
“We´re very excited to be partnering with CDV Software Entertainment,” said Mark Surfas, CEO/Founder, GameSpy Industries, Inc. “GameSpy Arcade offers the Web´s most robust set of tools for consumers to truly experience the excitement and thrill of multiplayer gaming, and we´re confident that this relationship with CDV and its exciting games will help cement Arcade´s reputation as the Internet´s finest multiplayer gaming environment.”
Originally posted: Cossacks.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 24.11.2000
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english