After a short break, Awar delivered the latest versions of two of its popular mods this past weekend. With version v1.261, State vs Country and Rise of America have been updated. Notable changes to the units in Austria and France, and a couple of bug fixes. You can read the full list below.
- Added models of dragoons and cuirassiers for France for the 18th century.
For France, models of mounted officers and trumpeters for the early and late 18th century have been added. - For Austria, the guard was redesigned for the 18th century, models of officers were added.
- Fixed the error of launching the mod with changed “starting conditions”.
- The module for the appearance of the officer button to create a squad has been tweaked.
- Fixed minor bugs in Grenadier upgrades from the 18th century.
- The AI has been tweaked taking into account game changes and the addition of new models.
Users with a Steam version do not need to download this update, their version will be updated automatically (once the update is uploaded there).