Dear friends, this long-expected day has come!
Third rating season starts today (we’re sorry it hadn’t started yesterday)!
New season holds many interesting updates:
- Top 100 ladder players, along with winners of the tournament would receive special badges in internet shell, which would remain for the next seasons. In case player was in top 100 during different ladder seasons, only the best results badge would be displayed.
- The season would end with “Season Clash 3” coming afterwards, where the best ladder players would fight fiercely for glory and prizes. Season’s results would be concluded at 8-th of December and “Season Clash 3” would be held on 18-24th of December.
- The rating system would be ELO, as in second ladder season. The game options are 5000 with 0 pt. Previous ladder would be reset.
- Improved matchmaking system for rating games.
- Decreased amount of points required for ranks.
Starting of the new season, would mean that last one would have a glorious ending!
We congratulate top100 players, who’ve got unfading glory and respect in our community.
We’d wish to highlight the three ladder leaders, since achieving a victory on such a long distance is an admirable feat:
- place – [-NF-]Baton
- place – [-UNION-]Artempro
- place – [BRP]Balin
The winners of the Second official tournament “Season Clash 2” would also receive special badges:
- place – [-RA-]SAnek_PCT
- place – [-UNION-]Fenrir
- place – [-NF-]Baton
Good luck in a new season and may the strongest win!
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 03.10.2017
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english