New post appeared on Cossacks 3 Facebook. Developers started a FAQ thread and it will be regulary updated. The first pack of answers are readable here:

1. What is Cossacks 3?
Cossacks 3 is a classical real time strategy game with army expansion, building construction and resource gathering. The game set in 17-18 century with 12 playable nations and allows to have up to 10 000 units under player’s control. After release number of nations will be expanded to 20.
2.What OS will be needed?
Cossacks 3 supports Windows, MacOS and Linux.
3. What are the system requirements for Cossacks 3?
Cossacks 3 new engine is so lightweight, that you can comfortably play on computers of five years old and even older.
4. When will beta test start?
Beta test will start in a couple of months, when all the main content will be ready.
5. Who will participate in beta test?
The first wave of beta testers will be chosen from the most active official forum and official social pages users.
6.When can i Preorder?
Start or the preorder planned for July-August.
7. What is the release date?
Release of Cossacks 3 planned for the Q4 2015.
8. Where I can buy Cossacks 3?
Cossacks 3 will be available on Steam mainly. It is possible that other digital distribution resources will be added to the list. Also retail version planned.
9. What about singleplayer campaigns?
By the release date there will be 5 historical singleplayer campaigns.
10. Multiplayer modes?
Cossacks 3 multiplayer allows to play up to 7 players on one map, join in groups and play against AI. Battles take place of randomly generated maps. We are working on possible increasing of number of players to 8.
11. Is it full 3D?
Cossacks 3 developed on the new highly technological engine. Game build in full 3D.
12. Any naval battles?
Yes, player can build a fleet and participate in naval battles. Land and naval battles take place on one map giving the player various strategical and tactical possibilities.
13. On what languages Cossacks 3 will be localised?
Cossacks will be available in English, German, French, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian for sure. Localisation to other languages still in discussion.
Originally posted: Cossacks.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 15.06.2015
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english