Dear friends!
Season Clash 2 would start soon – on 29 of September! We remind that Season Clash is the official Cossacks 3 tournament, where top 16 players of our ladder would be participants.
All the participants would be specially indicated in internet shell, while winners will get additional prizes.
- place: 300$ and GSC Anthology key
- place: 150$ and GSC Anthology key
- place: 50$ and GSC Anthology key
Rating table would be recorded on 17th of September at 12AM CET. Afterwards we will send invitations on your e-mail. If you will receive an invitation, please, provide an answer in two days, otherwise your tournament slot would be given to the next player in rating table.
In this season defeated ones would be provided with chance to take their revenge, while victorious ones would be able to prove their dominance on battlefields.
You may find further details about tournament regulations below:
Season Clash 2 rules & regulations:
- Tournament games would be held on 29-30th of September and 1st of October. We will provide detailed info on separate games later.
- Number of participants – limited (16 participants).
- Game format – 1х1.
- Tournament rounds organization: Double elimination system (players are eliminated after two defeats).
Game options:
- Season: Summer.
- Map shape: Land.
- Terrain type: Highlands.
- Minerals: Rich.
- Starting resources: Thousands (5000).
- Map Size: Tiny.
- Dip. center and market: Default.
- Peace time : 0 min.
- Capture: No capturing peasants.
- Victory condition: Annihilation.
- Nations: mirror matches (at organizers discretion);
- Adviser: Disabled
- All the other options: Default.
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 06.09.2017
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english