The second day of Season Clash 2 is over. We did not receive a separate report on the results (more precisely a picture), so here are the results in text:
Day Two: Lower Bracket – First round (BO1):
[1S]asap vs. [GP]Sir_Artius
[PR]Elendor vs. funny_ru
[-WN-]Vinci vs. [1S]LeXuS
[1S]Ezel vs. Otaman
Day Two: Lower Bracket – Second round (BO1):
[-UNION-]Fenrir vs. [GP]Sir_Artius
colourfit vs. funny_ru
[-UNION-]Artempro vs. [1S]LeXuS
[-WN-]Stalman vs. [1S]Ezel
Day Two: Lower Bracket – Third round (BO1):
[-UNION-]Fenrir vs. [GFF]Petru_BwM
[BRP]Balin vs. [-WN-]Stalman
Day Two: Upper Bracket – Second round (BO3):
[-NF-]Baton vs. [GFF]Petru_BwM
[-RA-]SAnek_PCT vs. [BRP]Balin
If you want to watch the second day, you can watch them in videos here: