We looked around a couple of websites and we have to say that our Polish brothers did very well. With the help of a partner from CDP.PL and Koch Media, our european friends can take home a very nice package with a boxed copy of the game!
The package shown in the picture includes the following:
- Boxed version of the game
- T-shirt (size L)
- Book (In the Service of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV of the Cossacks [?; Unofficial title] with preface by Jacka Komudy)
- Book (previously unpublished excerpts from Jacka Komudy’s book The Courtesan of Moscow [?; Unofficial title]
- Collector leather mouse pad with the game logo
- Book (Jerzego Besali: The Bloody Neighborhood: Poles, Russians and Cossacks [?; Unofficial title])
- Tactical culinary guide
The package costs only 199.99 zlotys