Dear friends! Today “Cossacks 3” celebrate their third birthday!
During this time our game came a long way and gathered an incredibly talented, very dedicated community, and we are pleased to realize, that you are with us and love “Cossacks 3”.
On this bright day we decided to make a small contest of congratulations. It doesn’t matter, how you want to compliment the game – with a message, poem, art, video or in any way your imagination reaches. The best, most interesting works will be awarded with valuable prizes from GSC Game World team.
Post them in the comments below or in any social media sites that you prefer (FB, VK, Twitter, Instagram) with any of hashtags: #казаки3года, #козаки3роки, #cossacks3years
Happy Birthday, Cossacks 3!
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 20.09.2019
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english