Here are the new FAQ update.

1. What are the minimum system requirements?
Before any comprehensive and large-scale tests it is difficult to tell exactly what the system requirements will be, but the weakest computer that we have worked and tested Cossacks 3 on has the following parameters:
- OS: Microsoft Windows XP
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320, 1860 MHz
- RAM: 2048 Mb (DDR2 SDRAM)
- Video card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO (256 Мб)
- Screen resolution: 1280×1024
- Processor and video card manufactured in 2007.
For the normal operation of the game 1024 Mb RAM will be enough.
2. What will be the pre-order price?
The pre-order price won’t differ from the release version, but it will contain specific additions. The cost of the game will be about 12-13$ for the CIS and about 20$ for other countries. The price could differ depending on the territory.
3. Please describe in detail the difference between the control of units in Cossacks 3 and the original game.
We have tried to save the dynamics of the game as much as possible. And in this we have achieved it. The control and the perception of the game have remained the same.
But, in contrast to the original game, in Cossacks 3, you will be able to see how the units will be formed up at the destination point even before the order to move has been given. This simplifies the control. But the work on unit control is still ongoing.
4. Will the units characteristics remain the same as in the first Cossacks (time of formation, strength of strike/shot, defense, armor)?
Almost all the characteristics will migrate to the new game, although the balance will yet change.
The most obvious changes will concern:
- temple/church/mosque
- priest/pope/mullah
- hired rondartschier
- hired grenadier
- howitzer
- multi-barreled gun
Some changes will appear during the beta-test and the greatest plans for changes are aimed at the updates after the release of the game.
5. Will the prices for upgrades at the academy and the barracks remain the same as in the first Cossacks? Especially we are interested in the +300% upgrade for quarrying, which gave the triple advantage to the efficiency of extraction of this resource. Will a new upgrade be added?
The mechanics of this upgrade have been changed. Before there was no point in making the previous upgrade, which gave +100%. Now the upgrades have been summarized with the first of 100%, and the second one gives another +200%.
The prices for the upgrades haven’t changed yet. During the large-scale testing it will be clear what we need to correct.
6. Will there be special effects, such as blood of the fallen, change of day, night and/or change of seasons?
There won’t be any change of seasons, or a night and day change in Cossacks3, It will be possible to easily add the day and night change system in the modifications, as the technology is incorporated into the engine. In our opinion these kinds of effects do not fit the game mechanics of Cossacks, that’s why it won’t be present in the release version.
There is no blood in the game now. We have some ideas for its realization, but this matter is rooted in the plane of receiving an ESRB rating. That’s why it is difficult to give a definite answer about blood in the release version.
Special effects like smoke, explosions, gunshots, fire will be there for sure, and quite spectacular.
7. Will the options like upfront resources, market conditions, diplomatic center, century, time of non-aggression (PT), with/without the balloon be the same as in the first Cossacks or will some new options be added?
The old options will remain. We haven’t thought of any new ones yet, but if the gamers have any specific ideas and proposals, we are ready to listen to them. In the majority of cases the implementation of such ideas is rather simple.
8. Is there going to be one server for multi-player or several, and will it be free or with a purchase of a key?
There’s going to be only one server, and it will demand a key. The key is attached to the Steam account, so it won’t be lost and will always be easily found.
Originally posted: Cossacks3.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 28.10.2015
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english