A new interview was received from the developers of Cossacks 3, read here:

On December 18, 2014 the GSC Game World company, which is famous for its with no exaggeration legendary games “Cossacks” and “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”, has announced the beginning of the work on a new project, which has officially been announced on May 18, 2015. This new project was the reincarnation of the real-time strategy which brought popularity to the studio. “Cossacks 3” is the name of the new game, which we expect to be released till the end of the current year. We talked to Valentine Yeltyshev, the head of PR and marketing and found out what can company boast of today and also some details about the new game.
WePlay.tv: Which main difficulties did the company run into after getting back to work?
GSC: Actually, the company didn’t stop existing. It’s only the development studio that closed. And a year and a half ago there was assembled a team, that was able to get “Cossacks” back to the monitors of the fans of the genre. There were no difficulties as such. Actually, the gathering of an experienced team, able to handle the task, can be considered the main achievement.
WePlay.tv: Were there many former employees who returned to the company?
GSC: It’s great that some of the “old” employees, who took part in the creation of the first “Cossacks”, had returned to the team. It’s important, because the new game, its gameplay, will be very alike. The rest ot the participants of the team are far from beginners in the game industry and they have several released projects at their assets.
WePlay.tv: “Cossacks” is a significant game, especially for the CIS gamers. But why was decided to revive exactly this game, not working on the sequel of the much more famous “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”?
GSC: We like RTS genre very much. The current team has great experience in the development of such games. We’ve been eager to revive the “Cossacks” series long ago, and now we have the appropriate conditions. We feel the power to release a good game of high quality, expected by the fans since 2001.
WePlay.tv: Are you planning to distribute the game through Steam?
GSC: Yes, of course. Nowadays Steam is the main game distributing system. Yet “Cossacks 3” will be released also on CDs, so to say, for the fans of classics.
WePlay.tv: Is the competitive component provided in “Cossacks 3”? Should we expect for the online system of achievements, ratings and so on?
GSC: In the release version we’ll be using the toolkit from the Steam, and the development of this direction is possible in future. We’ll be following the gamers’ wishes, changing the game and its components one way or another.
WePlay.tv: Which are the main differences between the game and its ancestor? Except, surely, the new graphic engine?
GSC: By the gameplay, the game will be close to the first part, and the main differences will be the new full 3D engine, the AI, single-player campaigns and the powerful toolkit for the development of the users’ modifications.
WePlay.tv: Today the main attention of the gamers is attracted to the MOBA-games. Don’t you think that the time of RTS has come out?
GSC: We are sure that the time of classic RTS hasn’t come out. A lot of RTS fans are left behind, as there are practically no games in this genre are being released now. I mean exactly classic RTS, with the economic part, building of the base and the army, everything in real time. It’s time to correct the injustice 🙂
WePlay.tv: Should we hope for the “live” presentation of the game in Kiev?
GSC: It’s quite possible, for we already have an invitation from the organizers of the IT-exhibition. We’ll watch upon the readiness of the game.
WePlay.tv: Are there any plans for the future projects?
GSC: It’s difficult to say now. We didn’t think about it. We are fully concentrated on the finishing and the release of “Cossacks 3”, and then we are planning the all-round development of the game, support of the modes, additions. But our plans are extensive!
Originally posted: Cossacks3.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 13.10.2015
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english