Cossacks Multiplayer via Gamespy:
All who have the final version of Cossacks may play multiplayer via “gamepsy”. First you need to download the Cossacks Patch 1.02, then go to http://www.gamespy.com and download the trial version. Follow the instructions and note: you don´t have to pay to play.
However, you may play via IP as well.
Important: only full version works that way.
English manual:
As we are in close contact with GSC, we can provide you with a detailed unit-manual in English (it´s a word document with more than 200 pages!).
You may download it in the download section. It´s in the second half of the site and called “Einheitenanleitung”. [Working download link is here – editor]
Latest patch:
A new patch is due for download soon and will feature:
– better sync performance in multiplayer
– acoustic signal for in-game chat
– sharing ressources with allies (but only with a cheat, not with a special window etc.)
– chat only with allies
Larger maps:
We beta-test a patch that allows maps twice as large as known! This is brilliant and adds a whole new range of strategic and tactical possibilities. Even in the fast speed mode, a pikeman will need almost 10 minutes to cross the map. It gives the feeling to control a whole state, rather than just a town. This is very interesting for 4 to 6 players, and all the great 18th century features of Cossacks getting vital.
However, to play those maps (in near future) you will need 128 MB Ram minimum for satisfying performance (for 2v2 even more Ram!).
Following nations will be included:
Hungary, Denmark, Switzerland, Bavaria and Toscany/Rome (Churchstate).
Besides that: expect a lot of new units and other great features. We may get some more information by the end of January to post here.
Now, that´s it for the moment. If you have any further questions or need help with German transla-ion feel free to post at our forum (in English of course…).
P.S.: “ComputerBild”, the largest German PC magazine just voted Cossacks “best strategy game of the year”!!!
Originally posted: Cossacks4players.de (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 18.11.2001
Author: Stefan Hertrich
Language of publish: english