Cossacks – The beginning of a new era!
Experience grand, historic battles of the XVI-XVIII centuries with up to 8,000 detailed units, over 300 well thought-out upgrades, 16 different nations and more than 40 eventful missions (in the full version). Many details on buildings and beautiful ships make Cossacks really eye-catching. A real 3D landscape, useful formations, a completely new way of managing resources, including money circulation and ingenious naval battles explain why ComputerBild Spiele 9/2000 stated “Our first impression: Almost overwhelming”.
The current demo version 1.01 with random maps includes a much improved AI:
– AI now attacks in formation with various squads
– More frequent attacks
– Much improved search for the enemy’s weaknesses and best attack locations
– Use of diversionary manoeuvres
– Improved actions at sea, include transport vessel manoeuvres
– Useful employment and supervision of artillery
– and much, much more!
Originally posted: Cossacks.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 30.10.2000
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english