On April 24, 2001 «Cossacks: European Wars» came out. 20 years ago, the «Cossacks» series was born, a series in which all these years players meet on the battlefields of Europe. This game showed that the real-time strategy genre is something that is interesting not only for a narrow circle of gamers, but also for a wide audience Many awards on the European market, more than 3 million copies sold and the interest of players from all over the world — will be the proof.
This day became one of the milestones in the history of GSC Game World company. The support of the fans, coupled with the creativity of our team, allowed us to set only the most ambitious goals. And, beieve us, we still have this fire inside!
20 years is a huge date in the gaming industry, and we are very proud that today we can celebrate it with you. What adventures we had… What adventures are yet to come!
Happy holiday, Cossacks!
To celebrate the holiday, GSC also gave out some Steam game keys (they were probably already activated at the time of posting):
Originally posted: Facebook.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 24.04.2021
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english