Something is going on. A lot of brand new screenshots and fantastic buildings are available.
Prussian buildings | |
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Barracks 18th Century
This is the building where soldiers reside and get trained. Here you can create infantry of XVIII century and train it. You can increase hit power of soldiers armed with cold steel or fore power of ones armed with handguns. Soldiers can pass up to seven training levels. |
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This building is for creating and training cavalry units. |
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It is the shrine of your people’s spiritual life. Priests are created here, who provide with healing your units and supporting their morale. Church is necessary to progress to the XVII century. |
Spain – Civilian buildings | |
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Town Hall Among all of your facilities this one is essential for it allows you to create workers. Also your Peasants can store extracted resources here. Town Hall allows for habitation of 500 units. When you exceed this limit, you have to build Dwellings for your subjects. |
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Dwelling This building is necessary for people to inhabit your land. Town Hall and Barracks allow for habitation too, but when you exceed the habitation limit, you cannot build more units. In this case, building Dwellings is the solution. |
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Mill Mills allow for scattering fields with seeds and procuring food. Your Peasants should work in the fields and store harvest in this building. Improving your Mills is vital for efficient food procurement. |
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Mine This building allows you to extract mined resources (Iron, Coal, and Gold). Mines must be placed on deposits. |
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Blacksmith This is a place where you make use of mechanical arts. Upgrades for cold steel and armor are made here. Also it is necessary for improving agricultural equipment. Without it you won’t be able to maintain agriculture effectively. |
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Storehouse This is a storage facility where Peasants can bring extracted resources (Stone or Wood). Build Storehouses as close to the wood or the quarry as possible in order to increase work efficiency. |
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Academy It is the place of scientific and technological activities. There are several laboratories in the academy for agricultural, metallurgical and chemical research. You can choose from manifold improvements in various branches of science and technology. Without academy, normal development of your state is impossible. |
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Cathedral It is the shrine of your people’s spiritual life. Priests are created here, who provide with healing your units and supporting their morale. Church is necessary to progress to the XVII century. |
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Diplomatic center This building allows you to hire mercenaries of other countries. Mercenaries are always more expensive than your own army, but they are recruited much faster. Although the history proved treacherousness of mercenaries, and many rulers lost all of their power using them, but in certain cases such policy may prove very useful, especially when facing an impending intervention. Your diplomatic center will help you hiring troops that are not peculiar to your nation and therefore cannot be created in your country. |
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Market In this building you can sell, buy, or exchange resources. Building a Market generally improves the welfare of your people since it increases the income of different goods to your country. The Market allows you to join the unified commercial system connecting all the states. The trade is subject to basic economic laws – when a demand is greater than an offer, the price rises; when an offer is greater than a demand, the price falls. Since the game commercial system is unified, price changes resulted from your commerce will be reflected at markets of your enemies. Thus you can not only act on prices of resources but also indirectly influence the enemies’ economics. |
Spain – Military buildings and Fortifications | |
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Barracks This is the building where soldiers reside and get trained. Here you can create infantry and train it. Before the army became a regular one, soldiers often lived in their homes with families and did housekeeping. Such an army was not mobile and was much like militia. But as financial structure, storage, hospitals and central commandment developed, soldiers began to live in barracks, constantly improving their battle skills. Discipline also favored greatly. In a Barracks you can train your soldiers, improving their fighting efficiency. You can increase hit power of soldiers armed with cold steel or fore power of ones armed with handguns. Soldiers can pass up to seven training levels. |
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Barracks 18th Century This is the building where soldiers reside and get trained. Here you can create infantry of XVIII century and train it. You can increase hit power of soldiers armed with cold steel or fore power of ones armed with handguns. Soldiers can pass up to seven training levels. |
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Stable This building is for creating and training cavalry units. |
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Shipyard Here you can build fishing boats and warships. |
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Artillery Depot In this building you can create and upgrade artillery. |
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Fortifications The fortification arts developed in tight connection with human society. In the ancient times people used to find shelters on trees, in caves, etc. As the peoples’ settlements developed and grew wider, people began to build fortified towns and cities. Usually the type of fortification was closely connected to the local available materials – timber, stone etc. The oldest known fortification lines consisted of a paling and a ditch. It was easy to burn them up or climb over. Wooden fences were typical for countries rich in woodland. But since wood was imperfect and unreliable material, people soon turned to stone walls. Stone walls were high (above 6 m/20 ft) and thick (about 2 m/6.5 ft). Oftentimes, parallel walls were built and space between them was filled with sand. Shooting towers were built on the top of the wall. To allow defenders’ shots reaching the blind space right below the wall, the top of the wall was somewhat protruded forward and equipped with an array of loopholes. Towers were built at regular distance (within an arrow shot) – also for defensive purposes. They were higher than walls and both walls and the space before them were open for shooting. Towers divided the terrain into parts and so didn’t allow the enemy to spread along the entire wall in case of a successful storm.
Rapid development of artillery resulted in fortification revolution. Old walls and towers could not withstand artillery fire. Ultimately it was necessary to revise principles of fortification. Now walls were made much thicker; towers became larger and lower, on a level with the wall. Then towers changed into round roundelles or basteas. Casemates inside them played a part of defunct machicules (overhangs on the walls) – shooters fired on the enemy below through the holes in the casemate floor. Ditch and rampart gained new meaning. A rampart protected the foot and the major part of a wall from cannonballs. However, there was a blind space in front of a roundelle because it was round; thus roundelles soon gave place to pentagonal bastions. A wall between bastions was called a curtain. To provide additional defense, they placed fortifications – ravelins and tenailles – in front of curtains. |

Originally posted: Cossacks.com (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 24.11.2000
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english