SHORT DESCRIPTION: Addon Modpack is available for Cossacks: The Art of War demo.
CREDITS: [OTG]Malcolm and [FEI]Kmicic
[OTG] Malcolm has written a MOD for the demo of the Cossacks add-on. After extracting the file to the game’s main directory, we have the ability to hire Saxon units in Diplo. It is also possible to set how much each unit should cost, just modify the files accordingly: Saxonian Rider: – Saxonian Grenadier: – Saxonian Musketeer:
[FEI] Kmicic has converted several well-known historical images to desktop wallpaper size.
What will be changed ?
New mercenaries from the diplocentre as follows:
- Saxon Rider replaces Cossack (FOOD 15 IRON 10 GOLD 50)
- Saxon Grenadier replaces the Bowman (FOOD 10 GOLD 15)
- Saxon musketeer replaces the grenadier (FOOD 10 GOLD 15 IRON 10)
I chose the above values to make it not too easy, but you can easily win against 2 compis on heavy level.
The compi itself also builds these units but does not use them effectively, as we know it.
In the *.md files, everyone can create their own costs for the respective unit.
But be careful, one mistake and the game won’t start.
It is best to copy the add-on folder to a safe place.
Header files ( *. md )
- Saxon horseman
- Saxon Grenadier
- Saxon Musketeer
Should run on all versions of the Add-On Demo.
- Unpack the file with 7-Zip File Manager.
- Simply copy the data folder into your Cossacks: The Art of War demo folder.