Visiting the forgotten and archived bugs of the internet, I came across the 29 more images from the alpha version of Cossacks below. “Eat them healthily”!

Early alpha: Cannons on the hill fire at the Austrian Barracks 18th Century. Cannons were already in final form, while the buildings were replaced throughout the game.

Early alpha: Among the buildings, the form of Tower did not, but the Russian (?) Barracks 18th Century and Artillery Depot changed. The unit (Pikeman 18th Century, Cannon, Ship of the Line) has not changed.

Early alpha: The buildings underwent a complete change (except for the mine), the units (Grenadier, Saxon Grenadier, Multi-barreled Cannon, Mortar, Pikeman 18th Century, Dragoon 18th Century) remained unchanged.

Early alpha: The moment before the battle. It can be seen from the construction menu that at that time each building still had its own icon (not unified, neutral).

Early alpha: The moment of battle. The appearance of the Mill did not change in the final, but the Austrian Houses did. The units are also visible in their final form (Austrian Peasant, Grenadier, Janissary, Mameluk).

Early alpha: All buildings have been replaced (except the Academy where shown the mouse cursor), units have been retained. The image was seen from a different angle and with a script already in our previous news.

Early alpha: All buildings have been replaced (except the Academy where shown the mouse cursor), units have been retained. The image was seen from a different angle and with a script already in our previous news.

Early alpha: The most interesting thing is the ripple of the water. At the time, this was a unique feature.

Early alpha: Here are the Russians, their church has been replaced since the even earlier alpha version.

Early alpha: Clash of Grenadiers and Musketeers 18th Century. Interestingly, a Ship of the Line is actively selected even though it is outside the screen.

Early alpha: The flag at the Ship of the Line is smaller and the terrain is “less colored.”

Early alpha: Ukrainian Serdiuks shoot down the battlefield shrouded in the Cannons.

Early alpha: The design of the russian building and the formation itself reflects the old states.

Early alpha: Designation and movement of formations (to certain death).

Early alpha: The Ukrainians arrived to the Russians. Some Russian buildings are even older (Strelec Barracks, House, Storehouse).

Early alpha: Manage formations and send them into battle.

Early alpha: Even in early alpha, the Austrians besieged the hill to the great sorrow of the enemy.

Later alpha: Battle in a gorge fortified with towers. The hill still holds here.

Later alpha: The hill is essentially lost, the fencing has taken place.

Later alpha: Land batteries against Frigates and a Ship of the Line. The flag of Ship of the Line is smaller here.

Later alpha: The construction menu is even older, but the Algerian buildings have already taken on their final form.

Later alpha: Attack of light cavalry against infantry.

Later alpha: The buildings of the Spaniards have already taken on their final form.

Later alpha: Turkish harbor. The Turkish buildings have also taken on their final form.

Later alpha: The Portuguese buildings are final, but the Poles have arrived.

Later alpha: Sea battle. 3 Yachts, 1 Ship of the Line against 3 Frigates. The attacking trio would even face ground defense.

Later alpha: The final French buildings are the targets of the Turkish attack.

Later alpha: The Austrians all use to occupy the hill.

Latest alpha: This image was already visible in our previous news, but there are no units under attack in the previous picture