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- Create Date 20/06/2023
- Last Updated 20/06/2023
Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars - Patch v1.2 (International)
This patch is available for Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish.
Version 1.2
The patch implements following bugfixes/changes:
- Bugfix: Prussian pioneers are able to create powder barrels
- Bugfix: Pionneers/Combat engineers are only able to place powder barrels when standing in formation
- Bugfix: Disturbing noise while watching recorded games has been eliminated
- Bugfix: Recorded games will be shown until to the end of the recorded game
- Bugfix: Archers now can attack buildings only when standing in formation
- Bugfix: Palace and Coal Factory don't start producing recources before the buildings are completely finished
- Bugfix: Bug with AI formations fighting against each other has been removed
- Bugfix: Towers and blockhouses don’t shoot at animals any longer
- Bugfix: Cannons stop firing once a building is destroyed
- Bugfix: Cannon limit-bug for light cannons and haubitzes (Austria, Prussia and Egypt) has been abolished
- Bugfix: Fast buildup of blockhouses by pioneers/combat engineers has been removed
- Bugfix: "Units armed with a pistol don’t shoot anymore when the pistol is loaded but no coal is available" - Bug disposed
- Bugfix: Bug with invisible buildings removed
- Bugfix: Bug with invisible units removed
- Bugfix: Prussia: Tower upgrade doesn't any longer affect all towers
- Bugfix: Counter for rocket limit has been corrected
Gameplay Improvements/News Features:
- France, pioneers are available after academy
- Austria, pioneers are available after academy
- England, pioneers are available after coal factory
- Prussia is able to build barracks from the beginning (simultaneously with town centre as an alternative to the light cavalry stable).
- Prussia – Barrack has only 120 free places for new units instead of 240 as hitherto
- Grenadiers of all nations can only attack buildings in the range of their grenades.
- Heavy cavalry will be “built” in a separate stable (-> introduction of heavy cavalry stable)
- All canons only need 200 instead of 300 units of gunpowder per shot (except England)
- Games against AI (Skirmish, Battles and Missions) will be recorded
- Recorded Games will be shown optionally with “fog of war”
- Game time and counter are shown
- Limit of 3 blockhouses at the same time per player
- Limit of 4 towers at the same time per player
- Limit of 2 stables for light and one stable for heavy cavalry at the same time per player (Egypt 1 and 1)
- Egypt: price for heavy cavalry stable: Wood -5000(10000) Stone -30000(32500) Gold -1000(4000)
- Prussia: price for second stable for light cavalry: Wood -5950(15300) Stone – 700(1800) Gold -700(1800)
- Time to build up a block house +300 (450)
- Life points for block houses +800(16000)
- Coal consumption per shot by a tower -100(300)
- England: huge dwelling: price rise -50(150%)
- kronwerk, fort and fortress have the ability to train officers, drummers and flag bearers.
- Every Barrack, stable, fort e. g. produces formations separately (formations won't be mixed up by units of different barracks. This was very annoying when the latter were placed a long way from each other).
- Free Save and Load has been introduced in the Battle for Europe mode.
- An Autosave option has been introduced in Skirmish.
- Automatic firing order has been introduced for the Egyptian fort.
- Price for grenadier upgrade has been significantly reduced.
- France – 100 gold 150 iron
- Russia – 200 gold 200 iron
- Prussia – 100 gold 150 iron
- Austria – 100 gold 150 iron
- England – 500 gold 500 iron, upgrading speed +500 (3000)
Balancing Changes:
- NG: Coal per shot 8 (-2)
- Fusilier: melee (close combat) attack +2 (12), Training 15
- Voltigeur: price: Iron 7 (-5), Training +5(20), Shooting 140, fighting bonus 2
- Grenadier: life + 10(110), Gold upkeep 8, Price: Gold 2, Food 70, Iron 8, Training 20;
- Chasseur: melee attack + (7), coal per shot – 20(50), reload -500(700), Shot impact 650, target range and shooting precision improved.
- Priest: healing +40(70), larger healing range
- Mounted Uhlan: training speed: 90, price: food 60, wood 200, melee bonus +3/30
- Mounted Chasseur: training speed: 120, price: food 60 iron 60, shooting 165, melee attack 12, melee bonus +1/50
- Mounted Hussar: training speed: 130, price: food 80 iron 70, coal consumption 15, shooting 5, melee bonus +1/20,
- Mounted Mameluke: training speed 170, price: food 120 iron 80 gold 10, shooting 70, melee bonus +1/25
- Mounted Dragoon: training speed 120, price: food 90 iron 60, shooting 170, melee attack 16, melee bonus +1/50
- Mounted Cuirassier: training speed 150, price: food 100 iron 85 gold 10, shooting 50, melee bonus +1/20
- Mounted Grenadier: training speed 160, price: food 100 iron 100 gold 10, shooting 220, melee bonus +1/25
- Carabineer: training speed 170, price: food 120 iron 120 gold 15, shooting 170, melee bonus +1/25
- Home Guard: melee attack -2(8), close combat bonus +1/50
- Musketeer: Available after Tower Room, melee attack +2(7), melee bonus +1/10
- Grenadier: Life +10(110), Gold upkeep 6, Moral +10, Price: Gold 2, Food 100, Iron 8, Training 20
- Pioneer: Training +15(45)
- Chasseur: melee attack + 2(7), Coal per shot -20(50), Needed time to reload -500(700), Shot impact 650, shooting precision improved
- Officer: Only available after Tower Room
- Drummer: Only available after Tower Room and Black Smith.
- Pope: Healing +35(60)m larger healing range
- Mounted Uhlan: training speed: 90, price: food 60, wood 200, melee bonus +3/30
- Mounted Chasseur: training speed: 120, price: food 60 iron 60, shooting 165, melee attack 12, melee bonus +1/50
- Mounted Hussar: training speed: 130, price: food 80 iron 70, coal consumption 15, schooting 10, melee bonus +1/20
- Don-Cossack: training speed: 130, price: food 80 iron 45 wood 100, melee bonus +3/30
- Mounted Dragoon: training speed 120, price: food 90 iron 60, shooting 170, melee attack 16, melee bonus +1/50, gold 10, shooting 50, melee bonus +1/20
- Blacksea-Cossack: training speed 170, price: food 120 iron 100 gold 20, shooting 160, melee bonus +1/25
- Musketeer: price: food 10 (-2), coal consumption per shot -2 (8)
- Black Corps: price: no gold, food 50 (-5), melee attack -1(9)
- Grenadier: life +10(110), morale +10, gold upkeep 8, price: gold 2 food 70 iron 8, training speed 20
- Chasseur: melee attack + 2(7), coal consumption per shot -20(30) reload -500(700), shooting 650, improved shooting range and shooting precision
- Priest: healing +40(70), larger healing range
- Mounted Chasseur: training speed 120, price: food 50 iron 50, shooting 165, melee attack 12, melee bonus +1/50
- Mounted Hussar: training speed 130, prices: food 80 iron 70, coal consumtipn per shot 15, shooting 5, melee bonus +1/20
- Mounted Dragoon: training speed 120, price: food 90 iron 60, shooting 170, melee attack 16, melee bonus +1/50, gold 10, shooting 50, melee bonus +1/20
- Mounted Cuirassier: training speed 150, price: food 100 iron 70 gold 10, shooting 50, melee bonus +1/20
- Mounted Guards: training speed 170, price: fod 120 iron 120 gold 10, shooting 170, melee bonus +1/25
- Landwehr: price: iron 5 (-2), coal consumption per shot -2 (8)
- Fusilier: training speed -5(15), melee attack +2(12)
- Borderman: price: iron 7 (-5), training speed +5(20), shooting 140, melee bonus 2
- Grenadier: melee attack +2 (12), life +10 (110), price: gold +2 (2) food 50 iron 5, morale +10, gold upkeep 7, training speed 20
- Chasseur: melee attack +2(7), reload -500(700), coal consumption per shot -20(30), shooting 650, improved shooting range and shooting precision
- Priest: healing +40(70), larger healing range
- Mounted Uhlan: training speed 90 price: food 40 wood 200, melee bonus +3/30
- Mounted Hussar: training speed 130, price: food 80 iron 70, coal consumption per shot 15, shooting 5, melee bonus +1/20
- Mounted Light Dragoon: training speed 120, price: food 60 iron 60, shooting 165, melee attack 12, melee bonus +1/50
- Mounted Dragoon: training speed 150, price: food 90 iron 80 gold 5, shooting 180, melee attack 20, melee bonus +1/33
- Mounted Cuirassier: training speed 150, price: food 100 iron 85 gold 10, shooting 50, melee bonus +1/20
- Musketeer: coal consumption per shot -3 (12), experience +1/20
- Highlander: training speed +5(20), melee bonus +1/33
- Grenadier: gold upkeep 8, price: gold 2 food 70 iron 8, training speed 20
- Rifleman: melee attack +2(7), reload -500(700), coal consumption per shot -20(30), shooting 650, improved shooting range and shooting precision
- Priest: healing +40(70), larger healing range
- Mounted Light-Dragoon: training speed 120, price: food 60 iron 60, shooting 165, melee attack 12, melee bonus +1/50
- Mounted Hussar: training speed 130, price: food 80 iron 70, coal consumption per shot 15, shooting 5, melee bonus +1/20
- Mounted Heavy Dragoon: training speed 160, price: food 100 iron 100 gold 15, melee attack 23, shooting 200, melee bonus +1/25
- Warrior with Yatanghan moral -10, melee attack -1(4), price: iron +2(7), melee bonus +1/50
- Janissary: coal consumption per shot -5(10), price: food +5(20), available after Palace, training speed +5(20)
- Tuareg: training speed -15(65), price: iron -20(20)
- Archer: life +20(80), price: food -30(10), gold -4(0), available after town center, training speed -5(15), get's exhausted when marching on terrain, shooting +3(21), shooting against buildings +3(23), melee attack -5(5), melee bonus +1/50
- Mullah: healing +30(50), larger healing range
- Light Cavalry: training speed 65, price: food 100 iron 70, melee attack 18, shooting 50, melee bonus +1/20
- Mameluke: training speed 140, price: food 150 iron 130 gold 20, melee bonus +1/25
- Bedouin: training speed 50, price: food 70 iron 40, shooting 170, melee bonus +1/50, improved fatigue parameters when marching on terrain