CDV Software have joined forces with the Virtual Gaming Alliance ( to bring their 40+ LAN gaming centres around the country a week of exclusive pre-play of its upcoming and highly anticipated expansion pack “Cossacks: THE ART OF WAR”.
UK gamers will now get a chance to sample the new huge maps, nations, and units, and indulge in the host of new multiplayer features.
Cossacks: THE ART OF WAR has already shipped and will be in UK stores on Friday 8th February.
The list of UK venues is as follows:
Norwich: Battlenet
Liverpool: Starquest
Walsall: Lan-Play
Warrington: Play Do
Eastbourne: Game Haven
Nothampton: @the Cafe
Folkestone: X-Treme Gaming
Worcsester: LAN Den
Derby: Lansport
Eastbourne: Netplay
Southend: Rogues Asylum
Romford: Badboys
Milton Keynes: Clicknetic
Hitchin: Xcession cyber café
Canterbury: Xtreme IT
Slough: Cyberweb
London: E-quest
Leicester: Cyber Cut
Stevenage: Xcession cyber Cafe
Romford: Sierra Hotel
Bath: Virtual Realm
Radstock: Wireworld
Southend: Wireworld
Frome: Wireworld
Birmingham: Global Gaming Arena
Reading: Quarks
Bristol: The LAN Rooms
Guildford: Quarks
Richmond: Quarks
Originally posted: (LINK) (ARCHIVED)
Date of publish: 05.02.2002
Author: unknown
Language of publish: english