Just press ENTER during the game to use these cheat codes. In the “message” prompt you can type the code and press ENTER:
Cheat code: | Description: |
treasure | 50,000 of each resource |
GiveExpa # | Give Experience Points (# = Amount) |
GiveMoney # | Give Money (# = Amount) |
fastupg | Instant Upgrades (for units) |
slowupg | Normal upgrade speed |
beasts | Place units on map using P hotkey |
farseer | Reveal entire map |
Glitch (reported by Huda):
When you get a potion that gives you permanent bonus (e.g. potion of endurance for +1 resistance), pause your game and click on the potion as many times as you want. The additional bonus will last till you complete the current level.
I’ve checked this for health, resistance, attack rate and damage bonus potions. Works for the EU release of the game. Dont know about US, JP or AU releases.