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- Create Date 11/08/2022
- Last Updated 29/08/2022
Cossacks map: Zbaraż 1649
Description: "My map is an interpretation of the defence of Zbarazh conducted by Jeremy Wisniowiecki in 1649. The battles in the Zbarazh entrenchment are famous for the great heroism and sacrifice of the defenders as well as the great quantitative superiority and fierceness of the attacking Cossacks and Tatars.
The map shows the actual course of the camp's ramparts, but does not include the town itself, as it was not located there and its inclusion would only have clogged up the map; the castle is not based on plans, as I could not find any.
Poland: Hussars, croat (light cavalry), royal musketeers (Wisniowiecki's dragoons), Polish dragoons (private dragoons, less well trained than the Wisniowiecki dragoons), Polish infantry (pandurs are Polish musketeers in white Hungarian-type outfits). foreign infantry (Spanish and Austrian musketeers and pikemen). Priests and monks, artillery
Cossacks and Tartars: Serdiuks and Russian pikemen (Zaporozhian regiments), Russian and Ukrainian peasants (black), Registered Cossacks (Sich and Donskis), hetmans, spahis and tartars (orda), Janissaries, light infantry, archers, Ottoman pikemen (Khan's infantry), artillery
Cossack artillery is scarce, as it was of mediocre quality and was not on a par with Polish artillery, which is unfortunately unplayable in the game.
Concluding remarks: I strongly request all players NOT to build or make any upgrades because the game then loses its meaning. I can assure you that the game has been tested many times and the chances of victory are equal for both sides.
Credits: [FEI]Radziwiłl