- Version
- Download 13
- File Size 523 Kb
- File Count 1
- Create Date 24/09/2023
- Last Updated 24/09/2023
Description: In 1781 America won it's indpendance from great Britian by defeating the entrenched Lord-General Cornwallis at Yorktown. Now it's your turn to be the stuning George Washington. Help defeat cornwallis witht the help of your allied French armada and troops. You will also get a few smaller batailons of American troops. You will not need to build anything, if your looking for a big battle this is it!!
To instal unzip the file into your main Cossacks directory then go into the game and load designed map under random map setting.
Note: When you start the game you will have to type in (by hitting enter) "WWW". Then on the KEYPAD (with numlock on) press 2. You will then be American.
Thanks!! π
Credit(s): styrbiorn