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- File Size 653 Kb
- File Count 1
- Create Date 12/08/2022
- Last Updated 01/10/2023
Description: In this map, you play with 'Dark Blue'. You can choose 'Blue', 'Purple' (Turkey) and 'Red' (Algeria) as opponents. You should choose 'Blue' in any case. If you only want to have two opponents, then choose the combination 'Blue' and 'Red', as it is the more interesting - the opponent then attacks from two sides. However, the map is actually intended for a game against all three AIs - from difficulty level <Difficult>. That's why I chose your initial resources quite high - you'll need them.
The 'blue' AI does not develop any further in terms of building construction, but it has millions of resources and will therefore have made all the necessary upgrades in the shortest time.
Credit(s): Runners High