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- File Size 963 Kb
- File Count 1
- Create Date 22/09/2022
- Last Updated 01/10/2023
Description: Waterloo 1815 (Napoleonic Wars) This battle where Napoleon's glorious aspirations are layed to rest once and for all, the name of which is now synonimous with defeat, is now aplayable epic thanks to creator bud. A 4-person semi-proxy battle, meaning one force is played standard. This standard played force is the Prussians (black) whose player is not allowed to begin controling his troops until 20 minutes into the conflict (time displayed above the mini map. The bridges have been aded for strategic clarity; the Prussians may not cross them until their alloted time. Meanwhile, the British (red) force is proxy-played as is the French blue). The French, for their part, are not to attack or set up near the bridges. No upgrades.
Credit(s): bud