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- Create Date 22/09/2022
- Last Updated 22/09/2022
Cossacks map: Trafalgar
Description: This is a mission map in that the goal is not necessarily to eliminate all enemy forces. Instead, the goal is to “break through” the enemy lines. Any ship that successfully does this can easily fire a round into the enemy flag position and win the game. There are 14 flags bearers, and if just 5 are killed, your enemy will be below the minimal 10 land units needed to stay alive in the game. Your enemy’s flag position is just opposite yours.
British Player; You are in a slightly more vulnerable position initially as you are strung out and heading directly into Franco/Spanish line. Try to form up, don’t run straight into them or they will destroy you piecemeal. It worked for Nelson, it won’t for you.
Franco/Spanish Player; Remember that you cannot control the Spanish Allied ships. Just like the real battle, they will fail to move in time to help you. Let them protect your flanks as you concentrate on other areas, and try to make immediate use of your initial positions, which allow you to rake several enemy vessels.
Credit(s): The Drake