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- File Size 673 Kb
- File Count 1
- Create Date 30/09/2023
- Last Updated 30/09/2023
Description: The year is 1706, and the Great Northern War rages between Russia, Denmark, Poland and Sweden. The Swedish king, Charles XII, has been encouraged by his recent victory over the Russians at Narva, and is planning to expand his control further west. Several months ago Charles ended his Polish campaign and placed Stanislaus I, one of his loyal lackeys, on the throne of Poland. He has thus eliminated Poland as a threat, and Denmark is not willing to raise arms against Sweden since the treaty six years ago. Charles XII now has succesfully negotiated with the Saxons to allow his armies from Poland to move through Saxon territory and into the Netherlands. The Dutch king has been recently informed of this plan and has decided to send a small army to intercept the main Swedish advance by moving into Saxony. Although outnumbered by the Swedes and the Saxons who inhabit the area, the king has faith in your leadership capabilities and believes you can find a way to stop this invasion.
Creator: Apex_of_Power