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- Create Date 25/09/2022
- Last Updated 25/09/2022
Cossacks map: The Alliance
Description: The French have formed an alliance with the Spanish and have crossed over the border of Portugal and have taken control of an important harbour along the English Portuguese trade route. The French navy have secured the harbour with war ships and the Spanish army have garrisoned an old Moorish castle overlooking the harbour and have put in place many sea defence guns, to deter any enemy attack by sea. They have also placed troops along the river crossing to stop any attack from the Portuguese by land. The French army have garrisoned a fort and have placed a substantial amount of troops to the east in case of any invasion by sea. The French ships have been attacking English and Portuguese ships along the trade route and have sunk one of his majesty the king of England’s ships and taken his cousin and two of his high-ranking generals prisoner. The English prisoners are being held in a prison close to the French fort.
England and Portugal have formed an alliance and have decided to act upon the threat of Spanish and French domination. Portugal has sent a substantial army to march east and sink any war ships that may be at anchor in the harbour and then attack the Spanish troops that are guarding the bridge. The English will send their finest war ships to engage and destroy the French Navy and then land a task force to mount an assault on the French fort and eastern army. They English will also try to liberate the Kings Cousin and high-ranking generals from the prison. The prisoners will be put on a ferry and sent back across the water to a safe port. If all goes well the Portuguese and English armies should be able to link up and make a joint effort attack on the old Moorish castle, which is garrisoned by the Spanish.
The English and Portuguese army must destroy the Spanish and French ground forces and take control of the fort and the castle to win the battle.
This map has been has been designed for a 2 or 4 person battle by using 2 main army colours red and blue and then 4 sub-army colours which should be selected for a four person battle.
2 Player battle
Player 1 Red team 1
Player 2 Blue team 2
Dummy Player 1 Orange Team 1
Dummy Player 2 Purple Team 1
Dummy Player 3 Green Team 2
Dummy Player 4 Black Team 2
4 Player Battle
Dummy Player 1 Red Team 1
Dummy Player 2 Blue Team 2
Player 1 Orange Team 1
Player 2 Purple Team 1
Player 3 Green Team 2
Player 4 Black Team 2
Credit(s): [HWK]SirWilliam