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- Create Date 22/09/2022
- Last Updated 22/09/2022
Cossacks map: Medellin 1809
Description: Medellin 1809 (Napoleonic Wars) Another Penninsular War battle, this one by SirWilliam, in which 18,000 French (blue) fought and defeated an attacking army of 30,000 Spanish (red). The French cavalry ended up winning the day, counter attacking and massacring the fleeing infantry after the Spanish horse had fled the field. In this game, the Spanish have a strong battery of long range cannon (fixed), and a 500+ troop advantage. However, the French have up-grades (marked in the town) that affect their hvy cavalry and 8 of their infantry regts. A 4-person proxy-battle
Credit(s): [HWK]SirWilliam