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- Create Date 11/08/2022
- Last Updated 30/09/2023
Description: Battle of Lutz in 1632 . This battle is different from the previous ones, because I based it on a system invented by a player named The Drake - this system allowed to create a map, which can be played by 2 to 5 players. The player takes on the role of one of the 5 commanders and directs only the army, which is autonomous. This means that we have a general and his entourage at our disposal and it is them de facto that we are - if we lose this group we lose, although the battle may still go on. In this game, therefore, we choose one of 5 generals : green, purple, orange, black or brown. We then set up two computer players ( red and blue) and two different teams. Here the green and black player are in a team together with the red comp, the orange, purple and brown player in a team with the blue. So, once the game has started and you have agreed with your mates who is commanding what - you change colour to the colour of the army you are commanding and play the battle. Of course, you can't forget about your commanders - if you lose them the battle is lost - or else you die in it. The map is quite balanced and reflects historical realities well. It has been tested 2 times, and I played it once - I was King Gustavus Adolphus and in the last phase of the battle, when the scales of victory were slowly tipping in our favour, I got shot from a cannon and simply died. However, the battle continued with Prince Bernard of Weimar ( Yark ) commanding the left wing - but I could no longer see it. The game therefore guarantees much more drama and fun than the normal battles that have been done so far. The only drawback, unfortunately, is the necessity to set up 7 players together with the comps, which makes it quite difficult to play it on shel. The game requires MOD 1.29 and only MOD - without the mod it is virtually impossible to play.
Credit(s): kosciuszko