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- Create Date 22/09/2022
- Last Updated 22/09/2022
Cossacks map: Heilsberg 1807
Description: You will notice the Russians have superior artillery to hold the line, so if any French general storms the Russian line without upgrades they will probably get creamed. The French have far superior upgrades and should be able to defeat the Russian army if they attack without sustaining to much pounding from the Russian artillery. One good mission would be to take out the heavy Russian battery on the South Side of the river, before they reinforce the area with units. I hope the battle will give all level of players a chance to master their control and tactics with Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry, when attacking and defending.
The French are able to up-grade at the town, top-center. This affects only their grenadier units, of which their are 4 divisions. The Russians have up-grades affecting their Cossack cavalry in the main town. Both up-grades are clearly marked. It is an open map, meaning anything and everything you can build or up-grade is allowed. The Polish academy will not help the Russian Army. The heavy cannon of both sides is anchored, so their is no fear of them moving if out-of-range units are targeted.
Credit(s): [HWK]SirWilliam