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- Create Date 24/09/2022
- Last Updated 24/09/2022
Cossacks map: Hald
Description: In an attempt to force Norway to the bargaining table, King Charles XII of Sweden (recently back from an un-succesfull Russian campaign) besieged the crown jewel of Norwegian fortresses, Halden. The Countess, a frequent visitor to this historical location, has crafted a 4-person proxy-battle from first hand knowledge of the layout. There are in fact 3 fortresses, the main one itself being called Hald (hold). The Norwegians (red) must manage wisely, shifting troops if they can between the 3 locations as they are needed. The besieging Swedes (blue) have the numbers but must be wary the range of the defenders. Also, try to keep the brave Charles XII alive. In reality he died in the trenches, shot in through the head (some say by treachery). No upgrades or building.
Credit(s): The Countess