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- Create Date 21/09/2022
- Last Updated 21/09/2022
Cossacks map: Cheriton
Description: Cheriton 29 March 1644. English Civil War
The road to London was important to KIng Charles who's base was in Oxford. More than 80 percent of the population and a greater percentage of the nation's wealth was in London. Basing House was a major strong hold of the Royalists and lay on the Winchester to London Road. In the Spring of 1644 Waller was dispatched by Parliament and intended first to attack winchester. Lord Forth and Lord Hopton set about thwarting the Roundhead's attempt only to be soundly beaten by a more organised force. Hopton was unable to press his advantage against the vulnerable Roundhead right flank once he had captured Cheriton wood, Hampshire was lost to the royalists and Basing House reduced to a mere out post.
Credit(s): Elv