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- Create Date 21/09/2022
- Last Updated 21/09/2022
Cossacks map: Breintenfelds 1631
Description: Breitenfeld 1631 (30 Years War) The fortunes of the Protestant cause in Europewere sinking when Gustaphus Adolphus and his Swedish army along with Saxon Allies (blue) met a slightly larger Imperialist force (red) under Tilly. Though the forward Saxon position (map right) was routed, the Swedes held and inflicted a heavy defeat (capturing all cannon) on Tilly's army. This is a massive 5 person proxy-battle created by Kosciuszko. The Imperialists are drawn up in their traditional tercios and the Saxon position is tenuous. Should really be played by at least 4 players, 2 per side. No upgrades.
Credit(s): Kosciuszko