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- Create Date 21/09/2022
- Last Updated 21/09/2022
Cossacks map: Boyne 1690
Description: Boyne 1690 (War of the Glorious Revolution) Our only battle to date fought in Ireland, this battle sowed the seeds for the modern "troubles" in Ireland. Protestant William III and his Danish/Dutch/Heugenot army (red) defeated Catholic King James II and his English/Irish/French army (blue). James II held the high ground at the Boyne river and were repulsing attacks when other Protestant forces crossed downriver (map right) and flanked their position, inflicting defeat. A lush green map designed by Jark, featuring the crucial crossing and also the swamps (map lower left). Many strategic possibilities, all 4 players should fight this. Upgrades available for the Catholic French at 2 blacksmiths.
Credit(s): Jark