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- File Count 1
- Create Date 30/09/2023
- Last Updated 30/09/2023
Description: The battle of Leipzig, or the Battle of the Nations as it also is called, was the largest clash of arms prior to first world war. More than half a million men from 16 different nations, separated into five armies, took part in this grandious battle, where the coalition of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden forced Napoleon to give up central Europe and finally even France herself. The catastrophic outcome of the invasion of Russia in 1812 led to risings against Napoleon and the French. The armies of the coalition were engaging the French in different smaller clashes. Napoleon was forced to give up Dresden and he failed to defeat the different coalition armies one by one. His Grande Armee was pulling back towards France, and the road of retreat went through the city of Leipzig, Saxony.
Warning: Whatever you do – during game, do not press ctrl-a! You command so many formations that the game will crash if you try to mark them all!
Scenario notes: The troops are positioned as of the evening of October 18th 1813/morning Oct 19th. The French has a large numerical and tactical disadvantage, but is compensated with the possibility to upgrade their troops. Depending on skills, I suggest a peacetime so the French player may upgrade his troops fully.
A Gentlemen’s agreement should be done: no using buildings as booby traps and, maybe, no healing of troops in the academy.
Because of balancing and gameplay, there are some historical inaccuracies, mainly about troop positioning.
Credit(s): styrbiorn