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- File Size 757 Kb
- File Count 1
- Create Date 24/09/2023
- Last Updated 24/09/2023
Description: The Battle of Fort Saint Jean is loosely based on historical events of circa 1636, when Spain took the offensive in northern France. Your task is to capture the (fictitious) fort of St. Jean using your army comprised of Spanish, Austrian, and Saxon soldiers. The game is NOT your standard Cossacks mission, however! Why?
- Gun crews are assigned and dedicated to your artillery pieces. Lose your crews, lose your cannons.
- Morale is a factor. Suffer too many losses and your men will retreat! (You -- represented by a Moldavian rider -- can rally them from a safe position if this happens.)
- Sections of Fort Saint Jean's walls are earthwork... indestructable... and manned.
- 10 special Engineers are available to help destroy vulnerable sections of the fort's defenses (i.e. the gates). These units are represented by Spanish 18th Century Officers.
- The enemy will react differently to different situations. Try different tactics and difficulty levels, and see what happens!
Credit(s): MarionVanGhent