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- Create Date 22/09/2022
- Last Updated 22/09/2022
Cossacks map: Aboukir Bay 1801
Description: Malplaquet 1709 (War of Spanish Succession)This is the first Hawks battle specifically designed by THE DRAKE to be played on Score/ 30 minutes as victory condition. Marborough's last battle field success, this battle was a Pyhric victory for the Allied army of Austrians, British, Germans and Dutch (red). With 86,000 men they attacked 75,000 dug in French (blue) whose trenches ran into the woods and across the clearing near the town. The French should make quick use of all up-grades available in the bottom town of Tasniers. Heavy fighting ensued in the woods on the French left where the British and Austrians flanked. This caused the French to pull troops from the center through which Marlborough attacked with all cavalry. Done as a 5 person proxy-battle, it is recomended at least 4 take command.
Credit(s): The Drake